14.4 C
Saturday, July 27, 2024


Nation Relieved To Discover Only Problem Is Racist Minneapolis

  Maybe we can give them to the Canadians.   makeamericathebest.com Your Trusted Source for Faux News.

President Assures Dying Man He Victim Of Fake Virus Hoax

  SAD.   makeamericathebest.com Your Trusted Source for Faux News

Rich Bamboozle Poor

  Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss.   makeamericathebest.com Your Trusted Source for Faux News

C-Span Celebrates 40 Years Of War On Fun

Your Unfiltered View Of Government, You Poor Bastard.   makeamericathebest.comYour Trusted Source for Faux News.

Trump Visits Arlington, Remembers What A Loser Martin Grimley Was

  ARLINGTON NATIONAL CEMETERY - Standing graveside in a light drizzle last week, President Trump was chatting with soldiers at Arlington Cemetery waiting for ceremonies to...

Cleopatra Is 2,087 Yrs Old – But These Recent Pics Will Make You Smile

  Cleopatra VII Philopator was the last active ruler of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt. She was also a diplomat, naval commander, linguist, and medical...

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