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Friday, March 14, 2025

Understanding Girlfriend Giving You Room To Grieve Your Fantasy Football Loss



In the wake of the devastating loss you suffered in your fantasy football league this week, most girlfriends would smother you with comfort to make you forget the trauma of the unexpected blow. However, your girlfriend, in a moment of clarity, said today that she understands what you really need is space.

“My first impulse was to do something really nice for him. Like getting him tickets to a concert for a band that he likes. Or maybe making him a special dinner,” said your girlfriend. “But I remembered when he lost during week one last year and I tried those things to cheer him up, they just seemed to make him feel even worse.”

“What I realized later was that what he really needed was some time alone, and to be with his team. I get that. I really do. So, this year, I’m going to give him some room.”


Injury To Wide Receiver

“My boyfriend talked all the time about how Allen Robinson was going to be a key component to his draft strategy this year. He felt Robinson was way under-valued and was going to help him get to the Superbowl. To have him go out with an ACL injury after that first pass, and losing him for the rest of the year. Well, that’s just going to take some time to heal.”


Maybe Hit The Mall

Instead of calling you Sunday night to see if you could go see a movie on Monday, your girlfriend thought she might do some shopping.

“I could use a new bra or some underwear, so maybe I’ll just hit the mall. Or I might take an extra yoga class this week.”

“To be honest, I’d much rather be snuggling with my boyfriend at a time like this, telling him that things will turn around. Reminding him that the loss will give him a good waiver position. But I’ve learned that when a person is dealing with a personal tragedy, what they need is to be alone so they can process what has happened to them.”


Will Put Up With Other Guys Hitting On Her

Although your girlfriend is extremely attractive and is regularly propositioned by guys at the gym, at work, in the dentist’s office, in grocery stores, at the mall, and even while driving in traffic, she doesn’t mind putting up with it until you’re ready to be together again.

“Of course, I’d rather be with my boyfriend and not talking to other guys all the time. But the look in his eyes after his week one loss last year spoke volumes. I know right now he is deeply hurt and the best gift I can give him is to leave him alone.”


In It For The Long Haul

Asked how long she is willing to wait for you, your girlfriend responded she was taking a day-by-day approach. “I’ll be there for him when the time comes, whether that’s week three, or week seven. I can wait as long as it takes.”

“In fact, my boyfriend’s best friend who beat him this week asked me out for dinner, which I thought was really sweet,” said your girlfriend. “Maybe he’ll have some ideas about how to cheer my boyfriend up.”

“He suggested we get together and strategize about it at his place tonight over drinks”, your girlfriend said. “I really hope we can come up with something.”


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