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Friday, March 14, 2025

Mom With Seven Kids Says Noise-Cancelling Headphones Saved Her Life


Margaret Billingsly is a stay-at-home mom in a house with an awful lot of activity. Between her 5 boys, 2 girls, dog Benjamin, pet cockatoo Reggie, and husband Jim, there’s a lot going on in their home.

“I love all my children, and our pets. I wouldn’t dream of having any other life, but honestly it can get to be a little much sometimes!” said the 38-year-old. “Especially the noise!”

Ms. Billingsly usually rises at 5:30 AM when her pet cockatoo begins squawking in the next room, waking the entire family. “We don’t have a big house, and Reggie has a strong voice for such a little bird, so when he decides to wake up, well that pretty much means everyone is awake.”


General Hubbub Of The Morning

The house is soon filled with the requests of the children, ages 2 thru 10, and the commotion of getting them ready for the day.

“The littlest ones are usually yelling out for breakfast, or because it’s cold in their room, or one of the other kids is bothering them, or someone is taking too long in the bathroom. It’s sort of endless from the time that bird squawks until we can get out the door. And our dog Benjamin gets so excited by all the noise that he is constantly barking. Bark! Bark Bark!” said Ms. Billingsly. “Bark! Bark! Bark! Bark! Bark!”


Splitting Headache

Early last fall, the mother of seven realized she was getting a splitting headache from all the racket.

“My headache would start as soon as Reggie started making noise, and it would last until I dropped off Mitch at day care around 8:30 AM. That’s three hours of headache if you add it all up!” she said. “The louder the noise was, the worse the headache got – and as soon as it was quiet, it went away.”

Ms. Billingsley saw a neurologist who was unable to find any medical reason for the headaches. Then one day her husband Jim Billingsley, who works at the airport, decided to bring home his industrial noise-cancelling headphones. The moment she tried them on, her headache instantly vanished.

“It was like my brain was sick from all the noise. And these headphones were the perfect cure.”


Mouths Are Moving But No Sound Comes Out

Now when Ms. Billinglsy looks at her kids in the morning, their mouths are forming words, but she is blissfully unaware of what they are saying.

“I realize now that I don’t actually need to hear anything my family is saying to me. If they have something important they need to communicate, I have them write it on a chalkboard on the refrigerator. But otherwise I just make sure they have something to eat and make their lunch for school. Things are so much better now!”

“Mommie can’t hear me!” said 3 year old Brittnee Billingsly. “I keep calling her but all she does is smile!”


Not Everyone Is Happy

Ms. Billingsley’s husband Jim said the new device does present some problems they’ve had to address.

“I have to say, ever since Margaret started wearing the noise protection, the house has gotten A LOT noisier in the morning. The kids are screaming at the top of their lungs to try and get her to hear them. A couple of them are turning blue and I’m worried they might pass out.”

“I’ve explained to them that Mommie can’t hear you with the headphones, but they don’t seem to be getting the message. It’s getting to the point where I’m going to have to start wearing them myself.”


Life Saving Headphones

Despite the hiccups, Ms. Billinglsy said she is never going back to the way things were. “These noise-cancelling headphones saved my life. Literally,” she said.

“I can’t say this any more bluntly. If given the chance between not wearing this noise protection, and running away from my family, I would pick running away every time.”

“It’s not even close.”

Industrial noise-cancelling headphones are available at aircraft supply stores, and thru special order from “Parent’s Today” Magazine.


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