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Friday, March 7, 2025

Party Responsible for Sacking Holy Grail Subtitle Company Finally Reinstated By Court, Full Pension Restored


After 40 years of legal wrangling in the British Court system, involving multiple lawsuits sprawling over both British and Swedish jurisdictions, the party responsible for sacking the party who sacked the original subtitle company of the film “Monty Python and the Holy Grail” has been reinstated by a judge, and their full pension benefits have been restored.


Long Overdue

Subtitle assistant Jurgen Wigg, who also trained a moose to mix concrete and sign insurance forms for the film, expressed relief that the long ordeal was finally over.

“Yes, it is indeed good that we can put this matter to rest” said Mr. Wigg, who is 74. “Because the pensions were involved, our careers have essentially been on hold since 1976 pending the outcome in the courts.”

The dispute, which involved a complicated web of mistaken translations of the filmmakers’ original verbal directions, had its genesis in a public service directive by the Swedish government concerning moose.

“The moose in Sweden at that time were suffering from Oslo Syndrome, a brain fever that was causing them to bite Norwegian tourists. And there was a push in the state-sponsored Swedish subtitle industry to include warnings about moose bites in public service films, such as history films, or those with religious themes,” Mr. Wigg remembered. “I myself was bitten by moose many times, so it was a concern.”


Lump Sum To Be Distributed

Although the issue of allowing the subtitle workers to return to work was settled years ago, the reinstatement of pension benefits has kept it in the courts. The final decree settled on a valuation of £42 million for the fund, from which attorney’s fees of £42 million dollars will be deducted.

“Although I am told that there will not be much money left over for the subtitle workers, my wife and I are hopeful that we can now afford better living accommodations,” said Mr. Wigg, “and in the spring we can finally move out of our cave.”

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