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Thursday, March 13, 2025


Republicans Pretty Sure This Whole Gun Thing Will Blow Over Soon

  UNITED STATES - While recognizing that firearms are an important issue, Republicans this week said they're reasonably certain people are blowing this whole gun thing...

Congress Experiments With New “Throw Bums Back Into Office” Campaign

  WASHINGTON DC - Although currently in control of both Houses of Congress and the presidency, Republicans have abandoned their previous campaign strategy of convincing voters...

NRA Proposes Gun Restrictions On People Who Are Angry At The NRA

  FAIRFAX, VA - In a remarkable turnabout this week in the nation's gun rights debate, the National Rifle Association today urged Congress to draft legislation...

President Trump Signs Pledge Of Loyalty To President Trump

WASHINGTON, DC - In a move designed to provide some solace to an embattled administration, President Donald Trump this week asked for, and received, a...

Guy In Congress Who “Knows Excel” Confesses He Has No Idea What He’s Doing

  WASHINGTON DC - Steve Jurvonovitch, an IT professional on whom congressional leaders have depended for the past several months to do the complex calculations needed...

President Concedes Chief Strategist Bannon Must Be An Imbecile

  WASHINGTON - Disclosures by the White House Friday, which exposed the assets of as many as 180 senior officials to public scrutiny, forced the...

Red States Surprised To Find Out Being Red State Not What They Thought It Was

  UNITED STATES - Red States across the country were a little confused this week to find out that being a red state did not necessarily...

N.C. GOP Accused Of Gerrymandering House Racquetball Tourney

  RALEIGH, NC - In news today out of North Carolina, prosecutors announced several State House GOP leaders have been accused of gerrymandering the famous "NC...

Polar Bears Being Wiped Out As Part of Intelligent Design, Insists Local Kansas School Board

BROWNSVILLE, KS - In response to increased attention being paid in classrooms to the plight of polar bears in a shrinking habitat, the School Board...

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